Our Global Research

Nikkei Research has been conducted global research for over 30 years. Calling on our experience with local partners in each region, we propose and execute the plan that best satisfies customer needs and matches the characteristics of each region.
Quality Control
For global research of the highest quality, Nikkei Research has since 2010 organized a monitor group consisting of foreign students who are studying at universities or graduate schools in Japan. They are called “Communication Ambassadors,” which means that they act as a bridge with their respective home countries. Currently, 113 foreign students from 39 countries are registered in this group and working with us.

After having passed our standard interview, the members act as advisors for their respective targeted countries and discuss a range of themes ahead of the actual research implementation, to ensure that the research considers the social and cultural backgrounds of each country. In an individual project, they also work actively as investigators in test surveys that are conducted before the on-site research, product tests, and visitor surveys targeting international visitors. This support by our ambassadors forms the basis of the quality of Nikkei Research global research.
Our strengths in global research lie not only in our ability to design excellent research and maintain data quality, but also in our ability to provide deep analysis based on the cultural background of the researched region and deliver accurate insights into the target market. These strengths help you determine how to approach the market and move to the next step smoothly and with confidence.
We regularly conduct independent research to help our partners/clients find new ideas for their future business.
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