Global Salary Report of Local Staffs in Japanese Companies 2021 Asia -- news published on Nikkei, November 30

Nikkei Research released this year's Asia edition of "Survey of Salaries and Employment Benefits for Local Staff in Japanese Companies (Global Salary Report)". The average salary increase rate for FY2021 was 3.7%, down 0.3 points from the previous year. Indonesia and Vietnam saw a significant drop in the increase rate, due to the stagnation caused by the pandemic. On the other hand, the Philippines and China rose. The survey further explores the plans for FY2022, where it was revealed that most Japanese companies are hesitating to increase. The survey was conducted across 9 countries/regions (Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong) between August and November. Responses over salaries of the local staff were collected from a total of 1,028 Japanese companies.

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