University President Survey -- results published on Nikkei, December 20/27

Nikkei Research conducted a survey of leading universities across Japan, receiving a total of 152 responses from university presidents (chancellors) of national and private universities.
Universities that already have and are planning to make elementary-level data science classes mandatory for all undergraduates across every department, composite up to 102 universities, a 67.1% of the total. While 68.4% are planning their class formats to be "face-to-face centric" after-COVID, and most of them intended to keep some remote classes. Universities planning to have half remote and half face-to-face classes were limited 1.3%.
When asked about the career-seeking activities of students, 73.7% answered that it was "undesirable" for the hiring process to be accelerated in an earlier timing. The most common reason was that it would have a negative impact on their academic work in their third year (89.3%). Over the impact of widespread of online job hunting, there was a notable number of supports such as "transportation and other student's costs has been reduced" (96.1%).

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